Prvič v Mariboru se bomo srečali z ruskima mojstroma tanga Olgo Leonovo in Vjačeslavom Ivanovim, dolgoletnima plesalcema in učiteljema argentinskega tanga. Naj se predstavita kar sama:

We dance and teach Tango together for already more then 10 years. Once a friend of us said that we dance “intelligent tango”. We like how it sounds! We believe that “Tango isn’t the steps, it’s something in between…” © On the lessons we especially pay attention to the musicality, the contact inside the couple, the dynamics and the character of movements. (Of course all of these is based on paying proper attention to the technics :)) We try to suggest to the students the idea that it’s not so important WHAT you do, but HOW you do it and what you put INSIDE. And when you learn a step/figure/sequence, of course you have to know how it works, but also it’s important to understand why you need it and what it can give you. Also we do believe that the dance should be comfortable for both. That’s why we pay attention, to body work, posture, proper tone of muscles etc. —————————————– And there’s a small addition: (some words from our friends) He is also the organizer and moderator of the most popular tango forum in Russian, called “Go Tango!”. Besides teaching, Vyacheslav is also involved in educational work about tango — he publishes the newspaper “El Faro (Mayak)” and creates subtitles to movies about a tango. Besides tango Olga was involved in rhythmic gymnastics and ballroom dancing, her style and technique are beautiful and perfect. They have performed as special guests at various festivals in Buenos Aires (Misterio), Amsterdam (Tangomagia), Salerno, Berlin and Mallorca.

V Mariboru bomo izvedli dve delavnici:
17.30-19.00- Tango tehnika za ženske in moške: pozornost lastnemu telesu, pozornost in posvečanje partnerju, povezava med partnerjema, nijanse, ki omogočajo, da plešemo “globje”.
19.30-21.00- Igra s “prosto” nogo (relacija s tehniko, muzikaličnostjo in figurami),

Na klase se prijavite na Facebooku ali pošljite mail na, drop-in tudi ne bo problem!

Cena: 1 delavnica 15 EUR/oseba, 2 delavnici 25 EUR/oseba.

Za delavnico tehnike ni potrebno imeti partnerja, za delavnico 2 pa je priporočljivo.
Vsekakor dobrodošli vsi mariborski tanguerji, od začetnikov do mojstrov!
Nos vemos!