English below*
KAKO UTELESITI GLASBO! – Ritem, melodija in fraze v tangu
delavnici z Olgo Leonovo in Helmutom Höllrieglom
17:00 – 18.15 Kako utelesiti glasbo! – TEHNIKA
18.30 – 20.00 Kako utelesiti glasbo! – V PARU
20.00 – 22.00 PRAKTIKA
Oba delavnici sta vsebinsko povezani z boljšim razumevanjem strukture tango glasbe, utelešanjem glasbe, s tem kako jo izraziti skozi gibanje, in kako vse to vključiti v komunikacijo s plesnim partnerjem. Na delavnici tehnike bomo pripravili osnovo za delavnico v paru.
Za uvod v novo sezono društvo Matango v sodelovanju z društvom Tango.si vabi na delavnici z Olgo Leonovo in Helmutom Höllrieglom.
Delavnici sta vsebinsko povezani, zato priporočamo, da se udeležite obeh.
Olga je začela svojo plesno pot zelo zgodaj, najprej je sedem let trenirala in tekmovala v standardnih in latinskoameriških plesih, potem je tri leta posvetila jazz baletu in sodobnemu plesu. Tri leta je v Moskvi tudi študirala na plesni akademiji, kjer je pridobila diplomo kot profesionalna plesalka in učiteljica plesa. Tango je začela učiti leta 2005. Od takrat jo vabijo na delavnice in nastope v mnoge države in mesta širom Evrope in v Argentino. Od leta 2015 redno poučuje tango v Ljubljani in Trstu.
Helmut je po poklicu operni pevec in učitelj tanga. Trenutno je kot pevec zaposlen v Burgteatru na Dunaju, kjer tudi poučuje tango skupaj z Fanni Laurinyecz in Magdaleno Fuchs. Kot učitelj ali DJ redno gostuje v bližnjih mestih in državah. O tangu pravi: tango je intimno srečanje dveh ljudi. Subtilni dialog, ki se izvaja v dotiku in gibanju. Včasih igriv, včasih hrepeneč, predvsem pa čustven. Pomembni vidiki Helmutovega pristopa k učenju tanga so zavestna uporaba dihanja za komunikacijo, povezovanje in spreminjanje dinamike ter uporaba analogij jezika in pogovora v plesu.
1 delavnica 20€, člani društva MaTango ali Tango.si 15€
2 delavnici 30€, člani društva MaTango ali Tango.si 25€
Lokacija: Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor
Info in prijave: 2matango@gmail.com
Vabljeni tudi na sobotni delavnici v Ljubljani.
GET THE MUSIC IN YOUR BODY – Rhythm, Melody and Phrases in Tango
17:00 – 18.15 Get the Music in your Body! – TECHNIQUE
18.30 – 20.00 Get the Music in your Body! – IN COUPLES
20.00 – 22.00 PRACTICA
Both parts are related to the same topic: To better understand the structure of the music, to incorporate it into our body and last to express it with movement. Last but not least will be the communication with your partner. The 2 workshops are strongly connected and we will prepare the base for what we will use in the couple class in the technique class before.
Olga started her dance career at a very early age, first practicing for seven years and competing in standard and Latin American dances, then devoted three years to jazz ballet and contemporary dance. She also studied at the Dance Academy in Moscow for three years, earning her bachelor’s degree as a professional dancer and dance teacher. She began teaching Tango in 2005. Since then, she has been invited to workshops and performances in many countries and cities throughout Europe and Argentina. Since 2015 he has been teaching tango regularly in Ljubljana and Trieste.
Helmut is a classical singer and teacher for argentine tango. At the moment he is working at Burgteater in Vienna and offering regular classes with Fanni Laurinyecz & Magdalena Fuchs. He is regularly invited to neighbouring cities and countries as guest teacher as well as a DJ.
Helmut on tango: tango is an intimate encounter of two people. A subtle dialogue that takes place in touch and movement. Sometimes playful, sometimes craving, but most of all emotional.
Important aspects of Helmut’s approach are conscious use of breathing for communication, connection & change of dynamics as well as the use of analogies of language and conversation in the dance.
1 workshop 20€, MaTango or Tango.si members 15€
2 workshops 30€, MaTango or Tango.si members 25€
Location: Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor
Info and registration: 2matango@gmail.com
Welcome also to Saturday classes in Ljubljana.